17 June 2008

Wet Wet Wet

It has rained NON STOP since our Housewarming party, and it's starting to get a little tiring. Not to mention the awful cold it has resulted in for me.

I suppose the good thing is that the cockroaches are being washed out from below, and every day instead of reeling in fear of the creatures (my phobia) because of the heat and humidity, I see them lying dead along the path, like some satisfying realisation of my life long wish to see them exterminated forever. Is that cruel?

I must find out if they have a use in the food chain. As far as I am concerned, if we could get rid of all cockroaches and mosquitoes, I'd be pretty happy...

1 comment:

Nupur said...

i think cockroaches are supposed to the ultimate articulation of the continuance of life regardless of the circumstances because of their resiliance and amazing ability to adapt and survive. so you probably won't be able to kill all the buggers but i celebrate your mission to exterminate as many as possible. does that make us guilty of roach genocide? i'm feeling guilty now.