26 June 2008

My first dream

I simply can't remember the last time I had a dream. I mean, I dream, every night, pretty vividly, in fact, but as I wake up every morning and bore the pants of Krusty with a detailed account of what went on, I realise that every single one of them is a nightmare. There are often rotting teeth, dying family members and chases involved, all of which leave me quite tired by the time I wake up.

Until yesterday. Krusty is in Korea at the moment, but as he woke me up with a morning call, I mumbled that I was dreaming that I was playing tennis with him. To which he screamed 'that's a dream! you've had a dream!'

But what if my subconscious is secretly trying to tell me that playing tennis with Krusty would actually be a real nightmare?!

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