04 June 2008

Berry Noire

Krusty worried me last night by calling his Blackberry his "rechargeable wife", but now I am even more worried because I realise he is absolutely right! People walk around attached to these machines that ask for their attention, need stroking occasionally and are helpful almost always, when they are not nagging for a reply at unseemly times like dinner and bedtime... Think about the slang for a wife - ball and chain, trouble and strife... Sounds like a Blackberry to me.

But what worried me WAY more than this is that, now that I have decided to start my own business, I... well... I actually want my own! Although having a "rechargeable husband" will be interesting, especially when Krusty disappears off on one of his business trips again... Shame on me!

1 comment:

Stan Diers said...

Blackberry c'est ringuard, prends toi un Iphone, heheh