26 November 2009

World of pain

Any girl who receives a coupon for a free eyebrow wax just because she is a member of the press should feel pretty lucky, and so I righteously did last week, when said freebie appeared out of nowhere.

This feeling of joy occurred, however, before I had ever had an actual eyebrow wax.

All giddiness swiftly disappeared when the first strip of hot wax was ripped from my forehead. I squealed as the beautician giggled, saying "First time?" Why, oh why do women submit themselves to this torture?!

The nice lady asked me to close my eyes as she continued (I was probably scaring her with my look of wide-eyed shock) and soon the pain and throbbing starting acting like a drug, making the room start spinning in my head. Daft Punk's Around the world came on the radio, and I sat trying not to spin away from the dominatrix's tweezers as my own world of pain went on.

And then of course I had to go back to the office and pretend nothing had happened as my colleagues pointed at my red, swollen forehead.

I'll keep the next coupon for my worst enemy.

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