Of course I could have blogged about a multitude of other things in the meantime, avoiding all hints, but when something this big happens, it's hard to think of anything else to write about. And in fact for some reason, all I see in the streets now is pregnant woman after pregnant woman, if they are not already carting around their bubs. Where had these ladies been hiding until now?!
So far "being up the duff" (as Krusty poetically calls it) has not been a walk in the park, and I have felt none of the glow and "ooohhh your hair is amazing" and more of the heavy eyelids, bloated belly and "ooohhh how come you still have acne at your age?" But they say it is going to get better, and as I have hit the three-month mark, I should start feeling human again soon. I hope.
Hopefully I'll be able to eat normally again, too. At the moment, every morsel of meat that comes near my mouth makes me feels retched - I think the baby is a vegetarian. Which makes sense I guess, when you consider it was conceived in Amsterdam...
But at least I am over my water revulsion - in the beginning, even my favourite brand, Evian, tasted of dust. I could smell damp and humidity and dirty water everywhere, and my mouth was always full of saliva.
I also can't STAND noise anymore, probably because I am so tired. I often give the wrong amount of money to taxi drivers, forget entire conversations and have to ask people to repeat sentences several times... I even had a daydream about standing up and leaving the office forever because of the music in the lobby... Not to mention the weird coincidence that every time I type in a website on my browser I accidentally type .vom instead of .com...
But then we go to the doctor's office, and we get a scan, and all of the bad stuff goes away. The last time we went, we even saw the little tiger's arms and legs moving really fast - it was magical. Krusty is worried that our bambino has inherited his dancing skills (brilliantly described in babymomma's babypapa's excellent wedding speech as "a carefully contrived fusion of African tribal dancing and Robotics. Or just a rare, hitherto undiscovered form of epilepsy") and that its hair will start receding as soon as the umbilical cord is cut, but I know it will be just perfect whatever happens. Thankfully we'll have our parental goggles to shield us from any of its shortcomings.
I am posting below a picture from our last scan. Bambino measured 3cm back then, but by now it has already grown to 6cm! We're going back for another in 8 days, so we'll be able to track its growth very soon. Very exciting.
Anyway, now the secret's out, perhaps I'll be able to think (and talk) about something else. Time to get my life back! What am I talking about, my life as I knew it disappeared forever three months ago... So why do I feel so happy?!
The tiny tiger:

we're just so thrilled for you. words can't describe
C'est le plus beau cadeau qu'un couple peut recevoir. Continuez de nous faire partager votre bonheur.
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