06 February 2009

D-121, everything's relative

Disaster! The (weather-proof) artificial poppies that I wanted to scatter around for my wedding have been discontinued! Eek!

But how insignificant this is. How can a wedding matter when my daddy is still in hospital?

About six years ago, as my parents crossed a street in London, they got hit by a big black taxi. My mother went to hospital with a hairline fracture that cost her her sense of smell forever, and my father got off with just a bruise on his bottom. An extremely painful, black bruise full of poison, sure, but just a bruise. He also started stuttering a lot, but this was just mild psychological trauma.

Or so it seemed.

Since his heart attack, he has been given a blood thinning agent to make sure that his arteries aren't under any stress. It seems that when he was knocked down by the taxi all those years ago, what they call a tumor formed in his brain, and this thinning agent has made the tumor bleed.

And so, to save his heart his brain is suffering, and he can't walk properly, or talk properly. On Monday I had a full 10 minute conversation with him, and today he could only get about 10 words out, all slurred.

The doctors say not to worry, he is going to spend three weeks in heart rehab and the thinning agent will be stopped, the bleeding will dry up and he'll be fine again.

I believe them, but it is unbearable not to be able to hug a person who can't communicate verbally. What good is a telephone when there are no words?


Nupur said...

Courage belle gitane. Ton papa ira mieux j'en suis sure. Il sait que tu l'aimes et pense a lui continuellement. xx

Anonymous said...

Ton amour pour lui et ton dynamisme dans la vie est pour ton papa le meilleur remede contre toute forme de maladie.
Pensées sinceres
Rene DF

The rat and the monkey said...

Merci les chéris! Effectivement les belles pensées ont du réussir - il sort de l'hopital aujourd'hui pour aller trois semaines dans un centre de "rehabilitation" - youpi! x