06 October 2010


As you know from my whining about how lovely the markets in France are, one of my main complaints about living in Hong Kong is the lack of quality, saliva-producing produce, and in fact the omnipresence of lacklustre, tasteless fruit and vegetables.

And so, in an effort to give my home a second chance, I am foregoing the supermarket for a while (where the tomatoes are hard, orange and taste of water) and am getting my veg delivered to my home.

Homegrown Hong Kong is, as the name suggests, a service that grows fruit, veg and herbs organically somewhere in the farmland near the border (yes, there is farmland in Hong Kong) and then delivers it straight to the door of lazy urbanites like myself.

My first box arrived yesterday, and already I'm loving it. The box, lined with a giant banana leaf, was full of intriguing ingredients such as yams and dragonfruit, and lots of green leaves that I have no clue what to do with. So not only will I eat fresh, but I'll be forced to cook different dishes, too.

I don't care that the home that this food is growing in is overcrowded and polluted, it's still home. And receiving a box full of amaranth (?!) makes it feel that much cosier.


Anonymous said...

Et c'est quoi le bouquet de boules blanches?

The rat and the monkey said...

Des champignons!