28 September 2010


If Oscar was popular in Europe, then in Hong Kong, where there aren't that many babies that look like him, he is a total superstar.

Hong Kong locals don't have their tongues in their pockets, and they have a habit of telling you exactly what they think without holding back. That's how, when in a shoe shop, a saleswoman literally laughed when she saw how big my foot is. That's why, when going through prenatal care, I became an obese alcoholic rather than a plump girl who enjoys a glass of wine...

But finally, thanks to my baby, I can enjoy the positive side of this honesty. I have not yet been outside without at least three people stopping to tell me how beautiful he is. One woman even passed me by and then ran back to take a second look.

Although yesterday I got a strange exchange when one shopkeeper asked me if he was a boy or a girl. I answered, "boy", to which she shook her head and said, "no, girl". I repeated boy, telling her I was pretty sure that I knew if my son was a son and not a daughter. To which she said, "no, he has girl eyes".


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