15 December 2009

Anniversary of Wood

Today is the fifth anniversary of my first date with Krusty. Five years... I don't think either of us would have guessed back then that this is where we would be now...

And since I am counting the years, it also occurs to me that I spent the first half of this year counting down the days to the wedding, and the second half counting upwards from the conception of our child. What will we do when the baby is finally here?! Start counting how few hours sleep we have had no doubt...

Until then, I'll just count my blessings. I know it's soppy, but I'm just so happy!


Rene D.F. said...

Meme si tu dors moins quand le bebe sera la, c'est une nouvelle pierre qui construit votre maison du bonheur.

Rene Dalla Fior said...

Meilleurs voeux pour 2010 à vous trois ainsi qu'a tous vos proches.