I guess I should start where I left off, at Christmas. It was our last "adult" one, well the last one before there is a little thing demanding all of our attention I mean, so we spent it mostly arguing about silly topics, mocking the anorexic tree and playing the wii that my brother had brought with him. And, of course, complaining about the weather, even though we were far from the European snow. The holiday only truly finished when I took a hacksaw to the tree to fit it in the bin. All were glad to see it go (apart from me...).
My parents stayed on for a few weeks after Christmas, so we spent those visiting our old stomping grounds, like Stanley and Pokfulam, hiking up to the Peak through the Chi Fu Reservoir, urban hiking through Hong Kong Park, eating curries at Thai Basil, char siu at Yung Kee, burgers at Triple O...
We managed to squeeze in a trip to Malaysia, too, where we ended up staying in the Hard Rock, a hotel served with an extra helping of cheese. The constant, never-ending and very loud soundtrack is, well, predictable, and the zipped up, liquored up Ozzies were lapping up every second of it. And then, just when the music was over, the prayers began (it's a Muslim country). We made up for the hardships by swimming in the lovely pool, parasailing, and eating lots of buffet breakfast and yummy curries, putting on more weight than we should have, no doubt. Actually, it occurs to me that the expression goes "No pain, no gain", but in fact the less sport you do, and less pain you experience, the more gain you achieve around your waist. It's all the opposite... No pain, ALL gain!

When we got back, I went for another scan, my first at the public hospital I'll be giving birth at. Unfortunately that meant no babysitting at all from the nurse scanning (who was wearing a little shoulder cape and clock brooch, Florence Nightingale style) and much imagination was required to understand what we were looking at. We saw the brain, the heart, the liver, the thighs, and the rest I couldn't say. I stopped asking after the nurse shot me a very strange look when I asked if the brain was normal. Apparently it went well, though, and I was told that my child was well behaved. Makes a change from a month ago when he just kept turning away from the camera.
And now I just wait for the bump to become a bump, as opposed to a spare tire. Not to mention my "glow", which is manifesting itself in pre-pubescent puss form... I've never had so much acne in my life.
In other news, the workmen have left and the flat is "finished", or as finished as our contractor wanted to leave it. Mr Fok spent at least 10 times longer than he had planned trying to get things right, especially the bathroom, which we now affectionately call "The Fok Up". I won't go into the excruciatingly boring details of why the bathtub is a total disaster, but suffice to say that in HK you get what you pay for, and the cheap deal we thought we were getting has meant a lot of cut corners and illogical decisions. Ho hum!
And now, the parents have left, and I am back at work, sitting on an office chair all day with a baby pressing down on my tailbone and making my bottom numb. Oh the glamour.
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