Just the usual roadworks (that have been there for a year) and some lovely dried fish, strategically placed to soak up all the goodness of the bus and taxi fumes as well as a coat of dust from the jackhammer action next to it. Bliss...
Rene Dalla Fior
Un cyclone, des trous dans la chaussee bordees de poissons qui n'ont pas vu la mer depuis longtemps le tout rythmé par les decibels d'un marteau piqueur fou. Ca va peut-être vous influencer dans le choix de votre prochain voyage. Amitiés a vous deux Rene D.F.
I, La Gitane, am a monkey. A metal monkey, to be precise. And Krusty, well, he is a rat. No, not the evil type of rat with red eyes and bushy, diseased fur. Nor is he the type of rat that has several monkeys at once. At least I hope he isn't. No, he is a water rat. And together, we plan to take over Hong Kong, one delicious roast goose at a time...
Oh, and by the way, obviously, the copyright to all of the content on this website belongs to its creator and if you should want to reproduce any part of it, you should ask for her permission first if you don't want to be taken to court. So there.
Un cyclone, des trous dans la chaussee bordees de poissons qui n'ont pas vu la mer depuis longtemps le tout rythmé par les decibels d'un marteau piqueur fou. Ca va peut-être vous influencer dans le choix de votre prochain voyage.
Amitiés a vous deux
Rene D.F.
Les poissons sont-ils toujours au milieu de la route infernale?
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