The last meal we had in Italy was on the terrasse of a pizzeria overlooking the Colosseum. It has been there since 1956. Back in Hong Kong, a new restaurant called Modern Toilet has just opened, with seats shaped like, that's right, toilets and drinks served in cups designed as mini-urinals.
Now where would you rather be:

Or here?

Where would you piss in these vast fields?
Modern Toilet at leat offers the comfort of choice.
I cannot wait to know someone had a shit while sipping his cocktail!!
Apres une belle randonnée dans ce paysage je veux bien poser mon humble séant sur la cuvette des wc pour deguster un bon repas servi dans un plat imitation rince doigts. Il existe aussi un restaurant dans le meme style a Paris.
Rene D.F.
Mais au fait! existe t-il de vrai toilettes dans ce restaurant ou faut-il faire pendant... Non! je n'ose pas y croire.
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