First came Gabriel, who I think I have introduced already. He is the half Italian half French lucky boy who was born in Peru in January, watch out girls...

Then came baby Felix, the little guy who managed to out-cute his sister Jasmine. How did he do it?!

Jayden followed, although he shouldn't have. We think he was in a hurry to check the world out...

And the most recent addition to the future boy band is Victor, who is already proving to be a thinker.

Hopefully they'll be able to wait for the fifth member before they go on the road, but I don't know whether that will happen any time soon... I mean, look at the potential father... If you look closely in his right eye, I think you can see our baby waiting in the rafters... Shush raging hormones, shush!

1 comment:
i can see why you're broody. babies are just soooo cute. jambeans was also 9 weeks early - if jayden's mummy wants to talk to someone who's been through it all and come out the other side then don't hesitate to give her my details.
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