12 August 2009

Creepy crawlies

This morning, I took a shower. So far, so "why am I reading this blog again?" But when I exited the shower and went for the towel, I discovered the biggest, scariest, most disgusting, monstruous, indestructible cockroach Hong Kong has ever seen.

At this point I should add that I am completely katsaridaphobic (that's right, there's a name for it - that's because cockroaches are SCARY... don't ask why) and that Krusty, who usually guards me against these intruders (quite commonplace in these humid climes unfortunately) is on a business trip.

So it was just me, my towel, and this monster.

Our eyes locked as I decided what to do, and I swear I saw evil in its stare. Considering the consequences of karmic retribution, I opened the window to allow it to leave by its own accord (actually I just didn't want to touch it) but no such luck. It stood its ground, defiantly.

I flew into a sudden frenzy, threw kind caution to the wind and grabbed the Biokill spray (my new best friend), chasing the beast while it scurried all over the place. Those things are FAST.

As it was cornered in the shower (actually even Biokill can't kill cockroaches, as can't nuclear explosions, or putting them in the microwave), I started aiming water at it, but it just started jumping out of the stream. Jumping. A JUMPING COCKROACH.

Anyway, it finally disappeared down the plug hole, who knows whether it was alive or dead, and now all that I can think about is whether it will come back with all of its mates to seek vengeance. I am wearing a long dress today, and every time my hem touches my foot I squeal in fear.

What if it tells the cockroach police and they decide to come and bring justice to this house?!


Anonymous said...

Je viens de verifier dans le code pénale des "bestioles pas belles", les amis des cafards n'ont pas encore vote une loi punissant le harcelement des blattes. Rassure?
Rene D.F.

Nupur said...

in paris we had sppon sized cockroaches. every night we owuld take each take a spoon to bed (3 of us, all in the same room) and have a cockraoch killing frenzy before we could peacably close our eyes. so, i reckon, all you need is a GIANT spoon. (loving the new header image btw). xx

Michael said...

I grew up watching cockroaches the size of your index finger that would fly across the room in our house in Houston, TX. If you live in an old building, they come in through the cracks when it rains out. Set traps that will kill the eggs and use Raid or Combat spray- they die instantly.