22 March 2009

D-76, now it's war

There was Helen of Troy's good looks, then Franz Ferdinand's assassination - now there's our disco light.

We were watching a film this evening when we heard a big party happening on the next roof. Not a problem as such, until I realised that they had a disco light just like ours. No, hold on - OUR disco light had been removed from the roof and directed out of a window two floors below ours...

Krusty immediately went to investigate and explain to the people in the next building that it was NOT OK to just come to other people's places and take their stuff, and the whole thing seemed sorted out, until, putting the light back up on our roof we realised that someone had also actually taken the metallic shelves we had bought to put out plants on!!!

We have no idea who has taken our shelves (carefully placing our plants on the floor in the process) but now we just feel like strangers in our own home. We are both livid. And Krusty is wondering where to find an industrial-size padlock on a Sunday night to make sure no one takes his pride and joy - the bbq...

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