07 October 2008

Give me a break-out

Well, today is my last day of being single, or as the wedding papers poetically put it, my last day of being a spinster. Tomorrow is the big day for Mr and Mrs Krusty Krustofferson, or rather the "little" day, as we are saving all of our celebratory juices for next year's "real" wedding in France.

I was fine with the whole idea of treating this as an administrative procedure, just signing a piece of paper, not a big deal, but as the hours trickle past until tomorrow, 6pm in the Grand Building (how appropriate), I am starting to get a little fluttery. Not scared, but I almost feel sad that we didn't make a bigger deal of this. It's better this way, but I suppose it's normal to have a last minute "moment".

And of course, stressing about this and not being able to stop thinking about it has led my face to do what it does best: breaking out with a GIANT spot right by my lip. That's going to look good on the photos!

Now, where's my photoshop retouching manual...


Michael said...

Yeah, the weirdest thing is looking at each other after the civil "signing of the papers" and saying "Hello, Mrs. _____, hello Mr. ____...."

Stan Diers said...

Well it is still a big moment... for you to experience and enjoy.
For the spot, I recommend the CLONE STAMP TOOL in photoshop!! hihih