03 August 2008

Experiment no 2: Hell's furnace

Preparation work:

- Application of P20 at 9am
- A layer of factor 50 at 10am
- Top up with factor 30 at 10.45am
- A little bit of factor 45 at 11.55am
- One more layer of factor 50 at 12.30pm
- Slightly more factor 30 at 1pm

The result:


Nupur said...

OMG - please say this is not you? You poor thing. I think you should stay in. Always.

The rat and the monkey said...

Someone told me about a latex second skin that albinos use when they go in the sun. Am thinking of getting some for the next time I want to leave the house...

Stan Diers said...

To me it is not just the sun but a skin allergy to the sun, have you shown this to a doctor?

Anonymous said...


You need to get a different cream, something industrial...
