Unfortunately the news was not good - bambino has managed to turn back the wrong way up. Either that, or he never turned head down in the first place (I never understood how the nurses could tell by just feeling my tummy, surely an ultrasound is the only real way to find out?). In any case, his GIANT head is now nowhere near the exit point, which means two things: I could be experiencing the joys of ECV soon; or I could be having a C-section.
The only way out of the C-section that I reallllly don't want (there are 30 steps leading up to our flat, I don't necessarily want to experience them under the influence of post-operatic shock) is ECV - or External Cephalic Version. That's where they try to turn the bub around manually from the outside. It would be done about two weeks from now. If he can't turn around himself for lack of space at this stage in the game, you can imagine what it will feel like to be forced around by ruthless medical staff when he's gained a few more grams. I already find normal examinations painful...
Not to mention that his head is about one week ahead of the rest of his body in terms of gestational size. And that's not the only thing - during the ultrasound I mentioned to the doctor that I kept dreaming about the delivery, and that bambino came out as a bambina. Not only did she laugh, pointing as his humongous equipment on the screen, but at the end of the appointment, where she would usually hand me a beautiful black and white side portrait of our baby's head, this time she gave me a picture of... his scrotum!
And in case you were wondering just how huge a foetus' scrotum could look, that's his elbow on the left side of the picture, and his giant balls on the right!

1 comment:
I'm sure it will all go fine and will say a prayer for the safe delivery of Bambino/"Eeck". Also, HOW the heck can they tell that's his SCROTUM?? Just looks like a blurr to me...
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