First there was Valentine's Day, for which Krusty gave me a hilarious show rolling around in the artificial poppies we got for the wedding. Here he is smelling them...
Then there was mini-golf on the roof - boys can be creative!

On Thursday night I went to visit Baby Jayden, who is still in hospital for his little heart. Such a pleasure to see him strong and happy again. Krusty calls this my "I want one of these" eyebrow...

During the week I also took a day off from work (the credit crunch has dictated that I reduce my salary and as I am a freelancer I do that by just taking days off - everyone wins!) and was feeling a bit low so I went for a walk. In the streets of Sheung Wan, I saw a man taking his bird for a walk, and two old biddies having a gossip by the butcher's and I fell in love with Hong Kong all over again...

J'ai pas réussi a traduire deux vieux biddies having a gossip pour le boucher. As-tu un tuyau?
Rene D.F.
Hello René!
C'est deux petites vieilles qui papotent près du boucher!
Comment vas-tu?
Merci pour la traduction. Mon anglais deja tres fragile est maintenant a l'etat de ruine. Sinon, je vais bien, je suis toujours prof. de technologie appliquée et de gestion a Gobelins. J'ai des classes super sympas avec des etudiants plutot bosseurs. Cela me change des deux dernieres promo qui etaient plus difficiles car consommateurs. Dans la serie bonne nouvelle, je vais etre grand pere pour la troisieme fois aux alentours du 20 juillet grace a ma fille Claire. Pour le moment, elle ne veut pas connaitre le sexe du bebe, donc surprise! Voila pour les news.
J'espere que ton papa recupere completement de ses soucis de sante et qu'il te fera danser a ton mariage.
Amities a toi et a Krusty
Rene D.F.
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