I have been coming home at around 9/10pm, when it's not 11, and then finishing off jobs I had started for other people. Sleep has become a rare, precious commodity, as has free time for that matter. Even if I do become an anorexic waif for the big day, the bags under my eyes are going to be so black no one will notice...
Which is why I had such a great time last night! Two other girls and I got together to have a Stitch and Bitch, and it was exactly what I needed. Apart from the fact that one of the girls taught me how to knit little booties for babies, and now my hormones are a'raging. And right now I have absolutely no problem with the idea of being a desperate housewife, knitting, cleaning, and cooking all day...
But look how cute! (I didn't make these particularly good ones I'm afraid, my "teacher" did...)

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