8am: Get ready, get set, go
9.15am: Cry a little in the toilets after realising how much work I had to do
11.50am: Cry some more to Krusty over the phone
1pm: Announce I was going to have lunch to a completely silent office
1.20pm: Run back to work feeling guilty I had taken a whole 20 mins to eat
1.25pm: Realise that no one has left the office for their lunch yet
2pm: Stare in disbelief as people were still silently working
3pm: Try to choke my third batch of tears as people start eating in front of their screens
5pm: Start to relax as the end of the day approaches
5.05pm: Start to cry as my boss tells me it's going to be a late one
7pm: Stare in disbelief as no one leaves the office
8pm: Stare in disbelief with bulging eyes as no one has moved yet
8.30pm: Sip the glass of champagne that the boss has finally decided to open to toast my first day
8.31pm: Get back to work, we're not here to have fun
9.30pm: Leave the office, exhausted
9.45pm: Received a call from freelance job no 2 asking me whether I can come in and work a shift until midnight
9.46pm: Laugh in disbelief and postpone the shift until tomorrow
9.50pm: Cry with bitter laughter at the pace of life that awaits me
And now, at 11.45pm, I have finally finished working on my "bit on the side" and am ready to go to bed before tomorrow's workathon. Repeat the mantra: work hard, play later, work hard, play later, work hard, play later...
At least I have a lovely home office to come back to now, as the rubble has been cleared away to leave the path open for the door that has been knocked through. I leave you with some pictures of the birth of our second room. Ta ta and bonne nuit.
repeat this mantra to krusty over and over in his sleep - "let's make a baby let's make a baby" then when he's awake he'll suggest it to youlike it was his idea then you can have a lovely baby and then you can take maternity leave and sod work for a while.
sorry to say but it sound a bit freaky!!
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