After all that time spent inside the flat revelling in our good fortune and its heady aromas, it's time to head outside and make the most of the city before I put my nose to the grindstone.
This city is an incredibly noisy one, so we decided to head where the rucus of the jackhammers was drowned out by the beautiful sounds of songbirds - Yuen Po Bird Market, in Kowloon. Bird owners meet here on a regular basis to come and compare their most prized possessions and their tunes, upgrade their cages or buy little treats for them, like grasshoppers.
Of course, no sooner had we passed the gate that Krusty had already found himself a new bird. They locked eyes, danced around each other a little and no sooner had he approached her that she was jumping on to his arm, throwing me smug looks as if to say 'he's mine now'... The cheek.
I left them to it as I continued around, checking out the lovebirds and their admirers and the lovely baby parrots with their insanely red beaks.
I caught Krusty just in time, his new chick was trying to steal his watch, already proving how high maintenance she would be. He preferred to come home with me than live a life of bling with her. Who's giving the smug looks now?!

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