01 September 2008

Lock me up

And so the cleaning lady came.

When she arrived she must have thought I was a freak as I opened the door with a loud gasp - she is so tiny that she looks about 12! I watched her try to clean the kitchen sink and didn't know what to think as she was on her tiptoes, not able to reach the plughole without stepping up on a stool...

I never like being around when the cleaning lady is here anyway, it makes me feel like a slave driver. But now, I feel like I am guilty of encouraging child labour!

She is well into her twenties, so I know I am OK, but I just had to find an errand to do to get out of the house and escape the sensation of being a monster.

At least my fear of Krusty falling in love with the Phillipina maid has disappeared - although she is beautiful, surely he would feel like a paedophile running away with her...


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