18 March 2008

Blogger's block

You might have noticed that things have been rather quiet on the blogging front.

That's partly because I have been busy actually working! I have been working on a story about Burton snowboards, and I'm guessing it's not because of my snowboarding expertise... But after a few days of getting into the half-pipe-half-baked-surfer-dude spirit and interviewing said dudes at 2.40am, the feature was finished and the client was happy.

And that's the other cause of my silence - working long hours at home while Krusty was away in Korea made the whole move to Hong Kong finally catch up with me. Between packing, travelling, jet lag, flat hunting, job hunting, socialising, home making and freelancing, I am completely exhausted and I have only just realised it. I am not complaining though, it's a really good exhaustion. The kind that comes after actually having achieved a whole lot. And now we have a lovely flat, lovely jobs and lovely friends!

To celebrate this lovely state of affairs, my parents sprung a surprise visit on us, deciding to take advantage of their friend's flat being empty for a month to come and share my flash backs with me. We have been having a great time, and very soon I'll update with pics and news, but first I must go out and shop for our housewarming party on the roof!

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